There's a certain irony in the fact that there has been a flowering of different outdoor Shakespeare productions in Oxford during this particularly miserable summer.

The latest to appear is the British Shakespeare Company, which has been around for 13 years but has never visited Oxford before. The BSC's As You Like It is an extrovert, back and thigh-slapping affair. Chief of the thigh-slappers is Martha Swann's Rosalind - she slaps them so often that it becomes irritating.

This Rosalind, you feel, hasn't a great deal between the ears, and will be perfectly happy landing a husband rich enough to keep her in 4x4s - or rather their 17th-century equivalent, as this is a period production. Swann's exuberance also causes her to place vocal emphases in some most unusual places.

All of which makes Rosalind's cousin Celia much the more interesting character. Played by Stacey Roca (who turned male hearts to jelly as Rachel in The Office), this Celia can be both brisk and flirtatious, and generally likes to keep men guessing.

The male cast is led by James Alexandrou as Orlando. Alexandrou played hooligan Martin Fowler in EastEnders for ten years, and this is both his stage and Shakespearean debut. Perhaps unsurprisingly, he presents Orlando as rather lacking in self-confidence and sometimes bewildered by events, even after winning hearts by decisively flooring Charles (William Reay, making a robust professional debut) in the wrestling match. The match itself is hilarious, and brought back fond memories of those long-gone, overacted Saturday wrestling sessions on ITV. Meanwhile Matthew Hebden switches Oliver amazingly from nasty villain to touchy-feely nice guy, and Robert J Williamson delivers a Jaques with a suitably melancholic streak and a strangely old-fashioned theatrical accent.

This production may not climb comic heights, or explore great emotional depths, but there's no denying the energy of the cast. As You Like It is on until August 27. Tickets: 01865 305305.